Simple, Do-able, Realistic
Providing solutions for fitness and nutrition questions.
How Can A Wrong Squatting Technique Cause Injuries?
Have you ever injured yourself while squatting? People often follow a work-out plan to lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Most trainers emphasize on squat exercises as they strengthen the hips, knees, hamstrings and legs. People think that squats are quite easy however, when performed correctly, they are difficult and tricky. Moreover, improper squats can strain body structures like knees and hips, sometimes in very serious ways
In this article, you will learn about incorrect squatting techniques and the most common mistakes made during these exercises.
Why You Shouldn’t Avoid Strength Training While Losing Weight
There is a huge misconception that you shouldn’t lift weights when going through a weight loss phase. Not only is it believed to stunt your results, but it’s actually thought to be counterproductive.
This couldn’t be further from the truth. Let’s get informed
How To: Half Kneeling Kettlebell Bottoms Up Press
Half kneeling kettlebell bottoms up press
Holding the kettlebell bottoms up creates more tension in the arm through a process called irradiation.
This gives you more strength and stability in the shoulder region, which makes this a great exercise for people with shoulder issues or for those who want a break from barbell/dumbbell overhead presses
Train, don’t strain. Eat, don’t diet
Drive your body gently. You’ll still get to your destination.
Are you trying to get some necessary exercise into your busy life?
Are you doing well with keeping everything moderate, balanced, and in perspective?
However, when it comes to your exercise and nutrition, some of you might be driving your bodies like you needed to get somewhere yesterday